That's A Wrap - Winter Box League


The HardCor Box Lacrosse 2019/2020 Winter League officially wrapped up this past weekend.  Once again, we had our 10th successful season, with players developing their lacrosse skills on the floor but also their 'soft skills' or the intangible skills that will enable them interact successfully with the people around them into the future.  

Our club was was built on the foundation of team first, hard work and respect.  The league was put in place so the players could develop and have fun doing so.  Championship day culminated in some pretty exciting championship day games!

I would like to thank all of the players that represented the HardCor Box League program.  I want to thank each of the kids for taking pride in our program and being such wonderful ambassadors of this great sport.

A note of thanks to all of our coaches who have supported, lead and taught our players.  Without their guidance and leadership, there would be no lacrosse.  A special thanks to the parents for getting your athletes to the league games each week.   We are appreciative of your support as we would not be able to function without you.

I would like to personally thank Derek 'Tiny' Enros and Ben Neeb for their assistance this season on the dates I was unable to supervise league play due to conflicts with my N.L.L. schedule. Their help on the back end enabled the league to run efficiently in my absence. A thank you as well to all of our dedicated scorekeepers and referees who kept things running efficiently and kept the kids safe respectively.

Good luck to all of the athletes in their respective house league or club representative programs this upcoming summer.  I look forward to seeing you on a field, turf or box pad soon!

Yours in Lacrosse,

Troy Cordingley
HardCor Lacrosse

(photo: the_gunboat)